ABOUT the Learning Commons

When is the Learning Commons open?

  • School day:  7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Virtual (online access 24/7):  use student ID & password to log in (1st initial last name last 3 digits of student ID; Fhsd######).  EX. (user): kriley456 (PW):  Fhsd123456

How long can I check out a book?

  • Regular check out is 2 weeks.
  • Can't finish in 2 weeks? Stop by and renew your book. No problem!  You may also renew once online
  • NOTE:  eBook titles are AUTOMATICALLY returned after 3weeks and are not renewable.
How many books can I check out?
  • Generally, the limit is 2 books at a time is recommended to better keep track of them, but you may have up to 4 for the voracious reader.
  • Love to read and need more? Just ask.
Are there fines?
  • Fines for late books have been eliminated at the middle school level.  KNOW that there will be charges in HIGH SCHOOL.
  • There may be a charge to repair damaged books.
  • Students are expected to pay for lost books.
  • Students can pay directly in the learning commons or parents may pay through the Web Store online through revtrak under student fees.
When can I visit the Learning Commons?
  • Before school. 
  • During class (with a pass from your teacher).
  • 24/7 (virtually with student log in)
  • With your ELA class
Can I use my ipod, e-reader or phone in the Learning Commons?
  • Phones are not permitted to be out during the school day unless teacher directed.
  • If you are reading a book on your phone, there may be a designated space for that in the Learning Commons.
How can I check out an e-book or find out when my books are due or what books I have checked out currently?
  • Click on "Find a Book" link (on the left)
  • Log in to Destiny 
  • User name:  school issued 1st initial last name last 3 digits of school ID#
  • Password:  regular school password Fhsd###### (student ID number)
  • Click on menu in top left.
  • Go to check outs.

How are books selected for the Learning Commons?

Young adults are a diverse group whose interests, maturity level, needs and abilities varies greatly.  FHSD schools collections are created to meet the needs of a wide variety of readers at various maturity levels.
Therefore, all Hollenbeck books designated as appropriate for Young Adult readers due to more mature content will have a yellow YA sticker next to the barcode. The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) of the American Library Assoc.(ALA) defines a 'young adult' as someone between the ages of twelve and eighteen.
Books selected for the learning commons follow district policy guidelines. I hope you will find Hollenbeck's collection offers engaging choices that will foster a love of reading in your child.

If you have any questions, please contact Kim Riley, LMS at
[email protected]


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